Gotra: Markandey
Vansh: Surya
Shakha: Madhyani
Mul : Makhvan (Makwana)
Parva: Ashal, Dhamal, Neel
Kulmata: Marmara Devi
Kuldevi: Shakti Mataji
Ishthe Dev: Chhattrabhuj Mahadev
Ganpati: Ek Danti
Hanuman: Ek Dandi
Bhairav: Kevadia
Jhala is the name of a clan of Rajputs belonging to the Suryavanshi lineage, found mainly in the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan in India. They are also known as Makwana.The zala (Jhala) claim descent from Harpaldev and Shaktidevi. Harpaldev had nineteen sons, one of whom was Manguji Limbdi and his son is Karansinhji Samla. There main centers are the Dhrangadhra and Surendranagar districts of Gujarat and Jhalawar in Rajasthan. They are also found in Udaipur District of Rajasthan. There were a number of Jhala princely states such as Jhalawar, Labhowa and Wankaner, Halwad, Lakhatar, Chuda, Saila Etc.. Some Jhala are also found in Uttar Pradesh.
During the 12th century, there was a war between Maharaja of Kirtigarh, Shri Kesar dev Makwana and emporer of sindh, Hamir Sumra. Only prince Kesardevji and Harpal devji survived that war. Eventually makawanas lost the war. Prince Harpal dev decided to hid him self in the woods. During his stay in jungle, he learned different arts and black magic from the rishi munies who were living there. He decided to get his kingdom back. He moved to ‘Anhilpur patan’(Gujarat). He decided to stay at the place of hi relative Karnadev solanki. Due to his mastery in archery and sword fitting, he got the place in Raj Darbar of Anhilpur Patan. King of the state was concerned about the rebellious leader name ‘Babaro Bhut’. To test his bravery, Karna Dev(the king) sent Harpal dev to defeat Babaro.
Harpal dev won the battle against Babaro and with his great intellectuals skill, he got successful to make friendship with Babro. Babaro and his men, then rebuilt the fort of Patan. As a reward of Harpaldev’s work,
Karna dev gave him some villages near Patadi. Harpal dev got married to Shakti, the daughter of Karnadev solanki who helped him at initial stage. Shakti is the mother goddess of Jhalas today. Two main states of Jhalas in Gujarat are Limdi and Wankaner.

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